Daily Archives: November 27, 2013

MSF boutique

Few days ago, I received a letter from the NGO “Médecins Sans Frontières” which I especially liked for two reasons:

  • it included a couple of interesting infographics worth posting due to the ease with which they conveyed information,
  • I got to know about the existence of an online boutique where one can buy useful items and support MSF at the same time.

See the images below, especially what can be afforded by the purchase of some of the items from the boutique (e.g. a teddy bear pays for 18 vaccines against meningitis!)

What can be afforded

What can be afforded

Use of funds.

Use of funds.

As you can see the source of the information for the second infographic is the yearly report of MSF 2012 [PDF, 3MB], I only wonder why they don’t include such kind of self-explaining graphics in the report.

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