
Some of you already know it, to the rest: Luca and I are engaged.

Finally engaged.

The wedding is foreseen sometime in the Spring 2013. News will follow.


Filed under Miscellanea

8 responses to “Engaged

  1. brideindream

    The beach view is awesome, but nothing would be better than you and Luca! 🙂 Happy engagement!

  2. Enhorabuena Javi y Luca! >)

  3. mmmathieu


  4. joel dupont

    WAooH Congratulations!

  5. Pingback: Summary of (my) 2012 | The Blog by Javier

  6. Elena Barbero

    Congratulations 😉 Ya nos contarás todos los detalles el 22F jejeje

  7. Pingback: Pregnant | The Blog by Javier

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