Tag Archives: pregnant

Our son is born!

Some months ago we announced that we were expecting a second baby, today we proudly announce that last Sunday, 3rd April 2016, at 23:11, our son was born in Toulouse.

The delivery went smoother than the previous time (her mother’s words) and both Luca and the child enjoy good health at the moment, recovering in the clinique.

Looking forward to introduce him.

His sister, Andrea, looking forward to introduce him to the world.

David, the newcomer (design from uncle Jaime).

David, the newcomer (design from uncle Jaime).

David weighed 3,620 grams at birth and measured 51cm tall.

Little David, inscribed on Monday in the Toulouse registry as David Irastorza van Veen (1), seems to have light grey/blue eyes, looks like a good navigator to fly with at the side and asked us to thank you all for the interest and good wishes, and said that is looking forward to meeting you in the following days, weeks, months and years.

(1) To be inscribed in the Spanish registry in due time, Consulate time…


Filed under Miscellanea

Pregnant again!

Dear readers, we are expecting a second child!

As I did a bit over two years ago (here), I take the opportunity of using this communication channel to inform (especially to those of you I couldn’t see in the past month) the good news.


“The family venturing around the world now looking forward to meet the baby” (small collage made from a design by Jaime, the uncle).

If everything goes well and dates are as expected, the delivery would take place at the beginning of April 2016.


Filed under Miscellanea

Our daughter is born!

Some months ago we announced that we were expecting a baby, today we proudly announce that yesterday, 11th August 2013, at 18:38, our daughter was born in Toulouse.

The delivery went moderately smooth (my words, better wait to hear Luca’s) and both mother and child enjoy good health at the moment, recovering in the clinique.

Family Irastorza Van Veen with the coolest newcomer: Andrea (design from uncle Jaime).

Family Irastorza Van Veen with the coolest newcomer: Andrea (design from uncle Jaime).

Andrea weighed 3,610 grams at birth and measured 50cm tall.

Connie, inscribed today in the Toulouse registry as Andrea Irastorza Van Veen, seems to have light grey/blue eyes, already shows passion for aviation and Real Madrid, and asked us to thank you all for the interest and good wishes, and said that is looking forward to meeting you in the following days, weeks, months and years.


Filed under Miscellanea


Dear readers, I am pregnant!

Well, to be precise, it is Luca who is expecting a baby!

Stork bringing the baby to Toulouse (design by Jaime, future uncle).

Stork bringing the baby to Toulouse (design by Jaime, future uncle) (1).

If everything goes well, junior will enter into service by the beginning of August (I cannot guarantee that there won’t be delays…). Engineering and Programme Management (I) have done their job, now it’s up to Industrial and Delivery Centre (Luca) to complete the project (we swear that Procurement was not involved!).


(1) Clarification for those not coming from Spain: the tradition there says that children are not only brought by a stork, but also that it brings them from Paris.

(2) We accept suggestions for the name, both female and male. Even more, we’re even thinking of setting up a contest; but please suggest a name only if you think it can top “Javier”.

(3) For those worried about the legal framework surrounding the coming child: we are already PACSed AND engaged


Filed under Miscellanea